Monday, March 28, 2011

Mucho in March

Alot's happened in March:  A gigantic Birthday Fiesta...and Chiquis' first steps.  Her personality is definitely showing these days-  she likes to make us laugh and is very independant.  She adores her daddy and tries to imitate his laugh, which if you've heard Felipe laugh, you know a baby with his laugh is pretty hilarious.  Here are some videos capturing the best of March.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Socks in the bathtub

Funny bathtime story:

We have a pretty good amount of interesting bath toys including cups, rubber duckies, and boats that cruise and spit water.  What is the preferred bathtime toy?  Her own dirty sock.  It never fails.  As I am getting her ready for her bath, Chiquis always manages to snag the dirty sock I slipped off of her precious baby foot and take it in the bath with her.  She dips it in the water, pulls it along the surface, squeezes the water out, and "washes" the bath tub with it.  Ayyyyy niƱa.

She's now just a couple weeks short of turning 11 months old.  We've started planning her 1st Year celebration but are having a hard time making decisions on the location and how big the party will be.  I wanted it to be small-  but we have some many important people in our lives that we want to share this very special day with!  :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Boogie Baby

It doesn't feel like it's been 9 months since we first laid eyes on our special girl-  but she'll be turning a year old before we know it!  She recently had her 9 month check-up and she's healthy-  she's in the 30th percentile for weight (didn't get that from me) but in the 75th percentile for length (didn't get that from me either, haha).  She's such a good natured baby, she laughs alot, and is very active.  It literally is a two-person job to get her diaper changed or get her dressed-  she wants to move around all. the. time.  :)     

Since the last time I wrote-  Abigail has graduated from Army Crawl to full on Sprint Crawling-  she's fast and loves to explore.  Her guilty pleasure, of course, is touching our shiny kitchen trashcan and garbage bags...I have to separate her from them several times daily. She also can pull herself up on objects-  and falls often, but she's a tough cookie and rarely cries about bonking her head.  She now has 6 teeth (although two are only about a quarter of the way out) and often charms people with her toothy grill.  She's just started to wave bye bye (or hello) as she demonstrated to the Dentist Office Secretaries a couple of weeks back.

We recently went to the wedding of one of Felipe's cousins and Abigail wanted to dance all night long.  She'd cry if we tried to sit down with her.  She gets that from me, I think :)     

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sweet Cheeks

Abigail has been all over the place the last week or so, she's really getting around and exploring all corners of our teeny tiny casa.  We've really had to keep our eye on her because she's also perfecting her fine motor skills and her "hand to mouth"-  not only can she pick up cheerios and put them in her own mouth ever so carefully-  but she can find any piece of paper, orange rind, or whatever other speck of dirt I've failed to vaccum up and stick it in her mouth.  :)  She's now got a fairly toothy smile, she's got two top and two bottom chompers and is working on another one up top.  She's as sweet as can be despite teething and suffering from a lousy cough.  I can't help but kiss her cheeks everytime I pick her up, she's just my perfect girl-  what can I say?!  I caught her signature beach-beauty pose on video last's at the very end of the video so you'll have to watch the whole thing :) 

 Abigail's first Chuck-E-Cheese Party (Ava and Noe's Birthday Party) 11/15/10
 Those sweet cheeks and sparkly eyes
She's wearing shoes for the first extended amount of time :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby likes to Move it Move it

The past few weeks Chiquibaby has been rolling all over the place!  She can roll in big circles, little circles, diagonally-  you name it-  she can roll to it.  Just a couple of days ago, I was checking facebook from my IPhone.  The IPhone is her favorite toy, followed by the TV remote.  She launched into an army crawl to reach it.  So we backed up, and she followed-  belly on the floor, but moving forward :)

She's definitely getting into more "stuff" these days-  She likes to pull her books off the shelf, and tries to pull her toy basket down to see her toys inside.  Felipe has suggested we baby-fence EVERYTHING.  I think we should just stick to one little fence blocking off the living-room/kitchen area from the rest of the house. 

On another note-   She's working on her 4th tooth up top.  She'll be a carrot-eating honey bunny in no time! 

Here are a couple of videos of her improved mobility.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baby Prodigy

I think this may be Abigail's cutest video yet-  She's a great trumpetor but she's an even better foot-pianist!